Friday, June 29, 2012

Yesterday I decided I would blog my pinterst pins.  If I pin it, I want to try and do it.  The first thing I decided to try was a recipe I enjoyed over the weekend, while in Michigan, at a friends house.  Jan made a delicious menu but I fell in love with this recipe.  She shared with me that she got it from a blog.  I had her email me the blog and I knew when I got home I would print the recipe.  Well the meal clogged my thinking all the way home!  I decided my poor day care children would have to expierence this meal with me.  So I pinned it!

Penne Tomato Spiniach Salad

Time: 20 minutes
Yield: 6 servings
Adapted from Good Things Utah
3-4 cloves garlic chopped (leave them kind of chunky)
1 T olive oil
1 carton grape tomatoes (or a whole slew of little tomatoes from your garden, the more the better)
1 lb Spicey Turkey Sausage7-8 large handfuls spinach
1 16oz box penne pasta
1 lemon
3/4 C Parmesan cheese
1c Motzerella Cheese cut into cubes
salt and freshly cracked pepper, to taste

    1. Cook the pasta.
    2. While it is cooking heat up a large, deep skillet. Add olive oil, garlic and tomatoes. Let the garlic get nice and golden. The tomatoes should start to crack open and simmer just a bit.
    3. Add the cooked pasta and spinach and sausage
    4. Stir the spinach just until it starts to wilt. I actually use a big set of salad tongs. You don't want the spinach to get cooked all the way through.
    5. Add the juice from the lemon, salt and pepper motzerella and Parmesan cheese.
    6. Stir it in, and let the cheese melt just a bit, and you are ready to serve!
    Now to make this meal approved by the food program, I added a spicy turkey sausage motzerella cheese cut in cubes. 
    I have to say the kids thought it was good.  They compared it to the pizza pasta I made the day before.  The perferred this one.  It tastes even better the second day!

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